Trick to remember States in decreasing order of Population Density

Trick to remember States in decreasing order of Population Density
States in decreasing order of Population Density (Trick: D.C.P. ki B.B.) D- Delhi C- Chandigarh P- Panducheri B- Bihar B- Bengal (West Bengal) ...

Trick to remember States through which Longest National Highway 7 Passes

Trick to remember States through which Longest National Highway 7 Passes
States through which NH-7 Passes (Trick: MAMU ka Tight Kurta) M- Maharashtra A- Andhra Pradesh M- Madhya Pradesh U- Uttar Pradesh T- Tamilnadu K- Karnataka ...

Trick to remember Iron Ores

Trick to remember Iron Ores
Iron Ores (Trick: Hema MaSi Payi GoLi) Hema- Haematite , Fe2O (Red Oxide of Iron) Ma- Magnetite , Fe3O4 (Magnetic Oxide of Iron) Si- Siderite or Spathic ore , FeCO3 Payi- Iron Pyrite (FeS2) Go- Goethite Li- Limonite , Fe2O3.3H20 (Hydrated...

Trick to remember Indian States with Bicameral Legislature

Trick to remember Indian States with Bicameral Legislature
As you know the Vidhan Parishad (or Legislative Council) is the upper house in those states of India that have a bicameral legislature... States with Bicameral Legislatureराज्य जहाँ विधान परिषद है (Trick: KUMB JAT) K- Karnataka U- Uttar...

Trick to remember Direct & Indirect Taxes

Trick to remember Direct & Indirect Taxes
1-Direct Taxes (प्रत्यक्ष कर) (Trick: We- Wealth Tax Pro- Property Tax Co- Corporate Tax In- Income Tax 1-Indirect Taxes (अप्रत्यक्ष कर) (Trick: Excuse Me) Ex- Excise tax Cu- Custom tax Se- Service tax M- Market tax/vat E-...

Trick to remember India's Prime Ministers in order

Trick to remember India's Prime Ministers in order
1-Indian Prime Minister in Serial (Trick: 1 )जलई मोचई रविचंद्र नअदई अमन ज- जवाहरलाल नेहरु ल- लाल बहादुर शाश्त्री इ- इंदिरा गाँधी मो- मोरारजी देसाई च- चौधरी चरण सिंह इ- इंदिरा गाँधी र- राजीव गाँधी वि- वी.पी. सिंह चंद्र- चंद्र शेखर न- नरसिम्हा...

Trick for European countries where Mercy Killing is Legallised

Trick for European countries where Mercy Killing is Legallised
Euthanasia Legal (Trick: BSNL) B- Belgium S- Switzerland N- Netherland L- Luxembourg ...

Trick to remember India's Presidents in order

Trick to remember India's Presidents in order
Here we are going to list India's President in Order.. राष्ट्रपति के नाम क्रमानुसार (Trick: राजू की राधा जाकर गिरी फकरुद्दीन रेड्डी की जैल में तब रामाशंकर नारायण की कलम से प्रतिभा निकली प्रणव की) राजेंद्र प्रसाद: 1952-62 प्रथम निर्वाचित,...

Trick to remember State Tax & Central Tax

Trick to remember State Tax & Central Tax
Now we are going to tell you easy tricks to remember taxation by State Government & Central Government... केन्द्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार द्वारा प्रमुख कर "उषा निशा आय उपहार, सम्पति सीमा केन्द्र सरकार" "भुषा बिक्री मानो स्टाम्प पथकर मोवा...

Tricks to remember countries having common currency

Tricks to remember countries having common currency
Hello friends, Today we are going to share easy tricks to remember the countries having common currency.. 1-Rupee [Trick: मामा श्री ने भाई से पाकिस्तान(मांगा)] मा- मालदीव मा- मोरीशस श्री- श्री लंका ने- नेपाल भा- भारत ई- इण्डोनेशिया से- सेसेल्स पाकिस्तान-...

Tricks to remember states name with neighborliness countries

Tricks to remember states name with neighborliness countries
Hello friends, Today we are going to share easy tricks to remember states name with neighborliness countries. India has 15,106.7 km of land border and a coastline of 7,516.6 km including island territories. The length of our land...
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