Trick to remember Aluminium Ores

Trick to remember Aluminium Ores
Trick: Alu in Box Alu- Alumina Box- Bauxite ...

Trick to remember Type of Coal in order of Quality

Trick to remember Type of Coal in order of Quality
Type of Coal in order of Quality (Trick)  Remember 1st Alphabet of Coal Type A > B > L > P (in English Alphabet)   A- Anthracite (93% Carbon) B- Bituminous (84% Carbon) L- Lignite (64% Carbon) P- Peat (54% Carbon)...

Trick to remember borrowed features of Indian Constitution

Trick to remember borrowed features of Indian Constitution
Borrowed features of Indian Constitution (Trick: Read bellow conversation ) एक बार कुछ लोग बैठकर आपस मे बाते कर रहे थे और भारत के " डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेदकर" चुप चाप सुन रहे थे। बाते कुछ इस प्रकार हो रही थी... ब्रिटेन :- पूरे भारत देश पर...

Trick to remember Hydroelectric Dam of Uttar Pradesh

Trick to remember Hydroelectric Dam of Uttar Pradesh
Hydroelectric Dam of Uttar Pradesh (Trick: Ri O Ma Ra) Ri- Rihand Dam (1962- Sonbhadra at 'Ganga' ) O- Obra Dam (1970- Sonbhadra at 'Ganga' ) Ma- Matatila Dam (1958- Lalitpur at 'Ganga' ) Ra- Rajghat Dam (2000- Lalitpur at 'Ganga' )...

Trick to remember Inscriptions where Ashoka name is mentioned

Trick to remember Inscriptions where Ashoka name is mentioned
Places of inscriptions where Ashoka name is mentioned (Trick: नीतू मास्को से उड़कर गुजरी) नीतू- नेत्तूर(Nittur)- Karnataka मास्को- मास्की(Maski)- Karnataka उड़कर- उद्गोलन(Udgolan)- Karnataka गुजरी- गुर्जरा(Gurjara)- M.P....

Trick to remember Indian State through which Tropic of Cancer passes

Trick to remember Indian State through which Tropic of Cancer passes
Indian State through which Tropic of Cancer passes (Trick: MiRa's JCB at GMT ) Mi- Mizoram Ra- Rajasthan J- Jharkand C- Chattisgarh B- Bengal G- Gujarat M- Madhya Pradesh T- Tripura ...

Science Lent - विज्ञान चालीसा

Science Lent - विज्ञान चालीसा
विज्ञान चालीसा जय न्यूटन विज्ञान के आगर, गति खोजत ते भरि गये सागर ।... ग्राहम् बेल फोन के दाता, जनसंचार के भाग्य विधाता । बल्ब प्रकाश खोज करि लीन्हा, मित्र एडीशन परम प्रवीना । बायल और चाल्स ने जाना, ताप दाब सम्बन्ध पुराना । नाभिक खोजि परम...

Trick to remember Maharatna PSU of India

Trick to remember Maharatna PSU of India
Maharatna PSU of India (Trick: GIC's Bachelor SON) G- GAIL I- IOCL C- CIL Bachelor- BHEL S- SAIL(21.05.2010) O- ONGC(21.05.2010) N- NTPC(21.05.2010)...

Trick to remember Chemical Name of Vitamins

Trick to remember Chemical Name of Vitamins
Chemical Name of Vitamins (Trick: रथ एक टॉफी) S.N. Trick Vitamin Chemical Name 1र-Aरेटीनाल(Retinal) 2थ-Bथायमिन(Thaymin) 3ए-Cएस्कोर्बिक एसिड(Ascarbik acid) 4क-Dकैल्सिफेराल(Kailsiferol) 5टा-Eटोकोफेराल(Tokoferal) 6फी-Kफिलिक्वोनान(Filikwonon) Chemical...

Trick to remember Works done by Akbar in chronology

Trick to remember Works done by Akbar in chronology
Works done by Akbar (Trick- Learn Rhyme)  दास, हरमदल, तीरथ, जजिया कर, किया धर्म परिवर्तन बंदी, सीकरी बदली राजधानी और इबादत मज़हर, बना धर्म बनाया ईलाही | दास- दास प्रथा का अंत(1562) हरमदल- अकबर की ‘हरमदल’ से मुक्ति(1562) तीरथ- तीर्थ यात्रा...

Trick to remember Languages added under 71st Amendment of Indian Constitution

Trick to remember Languages added under 71st Amendment of Indian Constitution
Languages added under 71st Amendment (Trick: नमक) न- नेपाली म- मणिपुरी क- कोंकणी...

Trick to remember Assam Folk Dances

Trick to remember Assam Folk Dances
Assam Folk Dances (Trick: विधवा बहु नमक से खेले) विधवा- विधुवा बहू- बिहू न- नटपूजा और नागनृत्य म- महारास क- कलीगोपाल से- सतरीया खेले- खेलगोपाल...

Trick to remember Movements for Independence by Mahatma in order

Trick to remember Movements for Independence by Mahatma in order
Movements by Mahatma in order (Trick: चंपा खेड़ा के खिलाफ असहयोगी डंडे से वी भागे नहीं) क्रमTrickआंदोलनवर्षउद्देश्य 1चम्पाचम्पारन सत्याग्रह1917नील की खेती हेतु 2खेड़ा(के)खेड़ा सत्याग्रह1918लगान वृद्धि की समाप्ति हेतु 3खिलाफखिलाफत आंदोलन1919खलीफा...

Trick to remember the metals which were known to the Indus valley people

Trick to remember the metals which were known to the Indus valley people
Harappan Civilization's People were familiar with these Metals (Trick: सोचता सिटी) सो- सोना(Gold) च- चांदी(Silver) ता- तांबा(Copper) सि- सीसा(Led) टी- टिन(Tin)...

Trick to remember Salt Water Lakes of Rajasthan

Trick to remember Salt Water Lakes of Rajasthan
Salt Water Lakes of Rajasthan (Trick: कुत्ता साड़ी का पल्लू फाड़े) कु- कुचामन(नागौर) ता- तालछापर चुरू सा- सांभर(जयपुर) डी- डीडवाना(नागौर) का- कावोद(जैसलमेर) प- पचपदरा (बाड़मेर) लू- लूणकरणसर(बीकानेर) फा- फलोदी(जोधपुर) डे- डेगाना(नागौर)...

Trick to remember name of US Presidents who have Addressed Indian Parliament

Trick to remember name of US Presidents who have Addressed Indian Parliament
US President who have Addressed Indian Parliament (Trick: DIG's BB needs Re-Charge) DI- Dwight D. Eisenhower (डी.डी.आइजन हावर) G- Jimmy Carter (जिमी काटर) B- Bill Clinton (बिल क्लिंटन) B- Barack Obama (बराक ओबामा) Needs -Not Addressed (इन...

Trick to remember Creations of Mahadevi Verma

Trick to remember Creations of Mahadevi Verma
Creations of Mahadevi Verma (Trick: नेहा,रश्मि,नीरजा शाम को दीपक के साथ पहले आगयी ) नेहा- नीहार (1930) रश्मि (1932) नीरजा (1934) शाम- सांध्यगीत (1936) दीपक- दीपशिखा (1942) साथ- सप्तपर्णा (अनूदित-1959) पहले- प्रथम आयाम (1974) आगयी- अग्निरेखा...

Trick to remember the arrival of European Companies in India in Chronology

Trick to remember the arrival of European Companies in India in Chronology
The arrival of European Companies in Chronology (Trick: पुत्र अडा डॉन फसा) पुत्र- पुर्तगाली (1498) अ- अंग्रेज(1600) डा- डच (1602) डॉन- डेनिस (1616) फ- फ्रांसीसी (1664) सा- स्वीडिश (1731)...

Trick to remember Languages added to 8th schedule under 92nd Amendment of Indian Constitution

Trick to remember Languages added to 8th schedule under 92nd Amendment of Indian Constitution
Languages added to 8th schedule under 92nd Amendment (Trick: B.D.M.S) B- Bodo D- Dogri M- Maithili S- Santhali...

Trick to remember Buffalo Breeds

Trick to remember Buffalo Breeds
Buffalo Breeds (Trick: मुन्ना सुरत (के) बजार मेँ ) मु– मुर्रा ना– नागपुरी सुरत– सुरती ब– बदाबरी जार– जाफराबादी मे– मेहसाना...

Trick to remember 6 Fort of Rajasthan which is decleared as World Heritage Sites by Unesco

Trick to remember 6 Fort of Rajasthan which is decleared as World Heritage Sites by Unesco
Unesco declares 6 Rajasthan forts World Heritage Sites (Trick: चीकु गाजर आम) चि– चित्तौड़ कु– कुंभलगढ, राजसंमद गा– गागरोन, झालावाड़ ज– जैसलमेर, सोनार र– रणथम्भौर, स॰माधोपुर आम– आमेर, जयपुर...

Trick to remember Seven Sisters India

Trick to remember Seven Sisters India
Seven Sisters India (Trick: ATM आना ममी) A- असम T- त्रिपुरा M- मेघालय आ- अरुणाचल प्रदेश ना- नागालैंड म- मणीपुर मी- मिजोरम...

Trick to remember Atmospheric Layers in order

Trick to remember Atmospheric Layers in order
1- Atmospheric Layers in order (Trick: ET M(O)ST) Exosphere: 700 to 10,000 km (440 to 6,200 miles) Thermosphere: 80 to 700 km (50 to 440 miles) Mesosphere: 50 to 80 km (31 to 50 miles) Stratosphere: 12 to 50 km (7 to 31 miles) (Ozone Layer...

Trick to remember Indian Miss World in order

Trick to remember Indian Miss World in order
Indian Miss World (Trick: RAD UP) R- Reita Faria A- Aishwarya Rai D- Diana Hayden U- Yukta Mookhey P- Priyanka Chopra...

Trick to remember Letters and Values for Roman Numerals in Value Order

Trick to remember Letters and Values for Roman Numerals in Value Order
Letters and Values for Roman Numerals in Value Order (Trick: I Value Xylophones Like Cows Dig Milk) I- 1 V- 5 X- 10 L- 50 C- 100 D- 500 M- 1,000...

Trick to remember Seven Coordinating Conjuctions

Trick to remember Seven Coordinating Conjuctions
Seven Coordinating Conjuctions (Trick: FAN BOYS) For And Nor But Or Yet So ...

Trick to remember Essential Amino Acids

Trick to remember Essential Amino Acids
Essential Amino Acids (Trick: Ptv. Tim Hall ) P- Phenylanine T- Threonine V- Valine T- Tryptophan I- Isoleucine M- Methionine H- Histidine A- Arginine L- Leucine L- Lysine...
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