Trick to remember Members of OPEC

Trick to remember Members of OPEC
Members of OPEC (Trick: AQUA EVIL SKIN ) A- Algeria Q- Qatar U- United Arab Emirates A- Angola E- Ecuador V- Venezuela I- Iraq L- Libya S- Saudi Arabia K- Kuwait I- Iran N- Nigeria...

Trick to remember Countries Sahara Desert Covers

Trick to remember Countries Sahara Desert Covers
Countries Sahara Desert Covers (Trick: अचमल मामा सूट पनामा) अ- अल्जीरिया(Algeria) च- चाड(Chad) म- मिश्र(Egypt) ल- लीबिया(Libya) मा- मरितोनिया(Mauritania) मा- माली(Mali) सू- सूडान(Sudan) ट- ट्यूनीशिया(Tunisia) प- पश्चिमी सहारा(Western Sahara) ना-...

Trick to remember 7 Continents by Area

Trick to remember 7 Continents by Area
7 Continents by Area in Increasing Order [Trick: AE ASNAA (अए आसना)] A- Australia (9,008,500 sq km) E- Europe (10,180,000) A- Antarctica (13,720,000) S- South America (17,840,000) N- North America (24,490,000) A- Africa (30,370,000) A- Asia...

Trick to remember Oceans by Size & Depth

Trick to remember Oceans by Size & Depth
1- Oceans of the World by Size (Trick: PAISA) P- Pacific (155,557,000 sq km) A- Atlantic (76,762,000 sq km) I- Indian (68,556,000 sq km) S- Southern (20,327,000 sq km) A- Arctic (14,056,000 sq km) 2- Oceans of the World by Depths (Trick:...

Trick to remember colours of the Spectrum of White Light - VIBGYOR

Trick to remember colours of the Spectrum of White Light - VIBGYOR
Spectrum of White Light (Trick 1- VIBGYOR) V- Violet I- Indigo B- Blue G- Green Y- Yellow O- Orange R- Red (Trick 2- बैनीआहपीनाला) बै- बैंगनी नी- नीला आ- आसमानी ह- हरा पी- पीला ना- नारंगी ला- लाल ...

Trick to remember the order of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Trick to remember the order of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum in Order (Trick 1- Raul's Mother Is Visiting Uncle Xavier's Garden) R- Radio M- Microwaves I- Infrared V- Visible U- Ultraviolet X- X-Rays G- Gamma Rays ...

Trick to remember Places and related Rivers of Harappan Civilization

Trick to remember Places and related Rivers of Harappan Civilization
1-हडप्पा सभ्यता के स्थल एवं सम्बंधित नदियाँ (Trick) लोभी मौसी का हरा कंघा रमा ने ले लिया, तो वह रोस में आ गयी और उसे बस से कुचल दिया लोभी- लोथल : भोगवा नदी मौसी- मोहन्जोदारो : सिंधु नदी हरा- हडप्पा : रावी नदी कंघा- कालीबंगा : घग्गर नदी रमा-...
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