Trick to remember Oceans by Size & Depth

1- Oceans of the World by Size

(Trick: PAISA)

  1. P- Pacific (155,557,000 sq km)
  2. A- Atlantic (76,762,000 sq km)
  3. I- Indian (68,556,000 sq km)
  4. S- Southern (20,327,000 sq km)
  5. A- Arctic (14,056,000 sq km)

2- Oceans of the World by Depths

(Trick: Marry,Pluto & Java are Teacher of Art in South )

  1. Marry- Mariana Trench, Pacific (35,827 ft)
  2. Pluto - Puerto Rico Trench, Atlantic (30,246 ft)
  3. Java - Java Trench, Indian (24,460 ft)

  4. Teacher - for Trench

  5. Art - Arctic Basin, Arctic (18,456 ft)
  6. South - Southern Ocean (23,737 ft)